Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Night Falls in Lorain – August 17, 1963

I wish the photos were a little clearer, but I’ll post this anyways. It’s a charming full-page photo feature with the theme “Night Falls On Lake Port, Busy Steel City - Lorain" that appeared in the Lorain Journal on Saturday, August 17, 1963.

The photos by well-known local photographers John Fazio are excellent. The subjects include the Lighthouse (of course), the lighthouse keeper, the Lakeview Park fountain, some late-night fishermen and a couple enjoying an after-dark walk along the beach. There’s also a wonderful shot with some superimposed neon signs; the Journal’s and McDonald’s signs are easily recognizable.

A creative composition by Joanne Petticord ties it all together.

LORAIN - Steel Center - Lake Erie Port - Small Town and Big City
By day its thousands toil in stores, offices, factories
Hemmed in by four walls
Surrounded by clacking machines
Cut off from the sky by heavy roofs
Busy creating - busy constructing - busy composing
Then quietly but quickly
The hurried giant slackens its pace
From the rush-quick-rush of 9 to 5
To the hush-slow-hush of 5 to 9
With a sigh and a smile
The thousands leave
Return home swiftly
The sun sinks lower in a sky, shiny and clean
A breeze drifts softly. All is serene
By night its thousands move in a different life
Unhampered by walls, machines and roofs
Breathing in the beauty of life at night
Enjoying family, friends, sounds and signs
From supper to dusk and dusk to sleep
Into a soft and complete
LORAIN – Sleepy City – Lazy Erie Port – Quiet Town – Slumbering

1 comment:

  1. They should do a follow up report...56 years later......Now Lorain has derelict houses....Empty storefronts...High crime and drug activity.....Ford is gone.....Thew Shovel is gone.....The steel mill is closed......The ship yard is gone....Lorain Products is gone....Lots of neighborhoods are 70-80% rental properties,and the people that do the renting are pretty much Section 8 type people...That's not to say all Section 8 people are bad but when I see Section 8 approved on a rental sign I just think back and remember when a person actually OWNED their own house..And took pride in their lawn and in the upkeep of the house...Yes,I would say 1963 was a banner year for the old Lorain.......Back when Leave it to Beaver and Dennis the Menace type problems were about the only types of trouble that kids got into.....Some people may laugh at this..But now kids are from broken homes with no father figure to look up to like Ward Cleaver.All they do is play video games and take drugs.Would you like to have Ward Cleaver as your father or some no teeth drug addicted crack head who has the twitches?.....I'll take Ward....Too bad we couldn't go back in time and walk the streets of Lorain in 1963....It would really be something.
