Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Passing Scene – June 1969

June 2019 is just about history, so I’d better post this month's serving of Gene Patrick’s The Passing Scene strips, for a glimpse of what was going in Lorain County fifty years ago.

The June 7th edition includes a hilarious panel referencing how the Lorain Police Department’s vice squad was going to be determining if a movie being shown locally was obscene.
A week later on June 14th, the strip pokes fun at Robert M. Beaudry, the International Festival’s guest speaker at the kickoff breakfast. The Journal described him as a “topnotch diplomat” and “international trouble shooter” for President Nixon, for whom he served in the State Department. The problem? Apparently he wasn’t quite a household name like, say, Henry Kissinger.
Vermilion makes it into the June 21, 1969 strip twice. Also mentioned: the Lorain International Center, another great idea that never quite happened.
Lastly, the June 28, 1969 edition reminds us that – as strange as it seems now – Avon used to be a small, rural community. Also, Gene pokes fun at one of his favorite targets: hippies.


  1. As I read you posts daily I have to say that after all these years the Gene Patrick strips are my favorite. Each panel is a slice of life of how Lorain used to be in the 60's when I was a kid and stirs up plenty of memories. Since I was born in June it's interesting to see what was going on at that time....I was about to turn 11 years old when this current batch was written in 1969. The joy of summer vacation, baseball, swimming, and bike riding...what a great time! Thanks Dan, Todd

  2. I was out of town at the time ( a student at Boy's Village in Smithville), and you're giving me the chance to catch up on one of my favorite Journal features.
