Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ohio Edison Ad – May 27, 1964

Beginning in the 1940s, Reddy Kilowatt made practically daily appearances in the Lorain Journal in his role as the advertising mascot for Ohio Public Service Company (and later, Ohio Edison). He not only promoted his employer as a company providing the best electric service in the world, but also encouraged the public to buy electric appliances for their homes, and to give electrical gifts for Christmas.

By the late 1960s, however, Reddy was appearing less often in Journal ads. He was still around, encouraging the public to make large electric purchases, such as an all-electric home, or whole house air-conditioning, but it was no longer necessary for Reddy to peddle electric toasters and waffle irons. Thus, as I look at late 60s microfilm at the Lorain Public Library, I notice that months go by with no Reddy Kilowatt ads.

Since this blog often looks at things from a “fifty years ago” perspective, does that mean that you’ll see less of our pal Reddy on this blog as it continues on into 1969 and beyond?

Naw. (I’m sure you’re not shocked, heh-heh.)
Since Reddy also pops up a lot in old Vermilion Photojournal newspapers at the Ritter Public library, that means I should have a steady supply of ads with our old pal, such as this one (below). 
The stylish ad ran in the Photojournal on May 27, 1964 and offers a generous discount on the installation of the special wiring needed to service an electric range, with its heating elements and oven coils.
Anyway, a quick Google check reveals that the Brady Blog is a leading supplier of vintage Reddy Kilowatt/Ohio Edison ads – so it looks like I won’t be pulling the plug here on my favorite ad mascot anytime soon.

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