Friday, May 24, 2019

Lorain Parks Prep for Memorial Day – 1956

Here’s a look back at Lorain getting ready for Memorial Day 1956.

The preparation by the park and street departments back then as explained in the article is quite impressive.

The accompanying photo of the park at Fifth and W. Erie caught my attention, because I was hoping that the article was going to mention the “Big V” – but no such luck.

City Parks Shaping Up For Holiday

With only four days until Memorial Day, the Lorain park and street departments today teamed up to beautify all veterans’ monuments and markers in the city in preparation for annual memorial services.

Supt. of Parks John Lisisky said a crew of workers began planting flowers at the veterans’ monument at Fifth St. and W. Erie Ave., and that the work will continue at all other monuments and markers beginning Monday.

LISISKY BLAMED the rainy weather for a late start in beautifying all city parks and areas where monuments are located.

“We finally got the grass cutting job completed after numerous delays,” said Lisisky. “We ought to be in good shape before Memorial Day unless we get more heavy rains.

SERVICE DIRECTOR Wallace J. Chapla informed Lisisky yesterday afternoon that the street department crews will assist park department workers in getting the parks ready for Memorial Day.

Lisisky said park benches and picnic tables are being painted, baseball diamonds are being scraped and the inside of the colorful fountain at Lakeview park is being painted.

The multi-colored lights on the fountain will be turned on Wednesday night.

City workers have completed planting flowers at the Firemen’s Memorial Monument in Washington Park where annual memorial services will be conducted at 10 a. m. tomorrow in tribute to all deceased full-time and volunteer firefighters in Lorain.

1 comment:

  1. I still remember the Grone Folx calling the holiday "Decoration Day"; before the cookout, we'd go to Elmwood, and visit the graves of military personnel.
