Friday, May 3, 2019

Cedar Point 'Band-Wagon' – May 1967

To close out the week, let's linger at Cedar Point one more day with this photo, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on May 29, 1967.

It's a real feel-good shot showing hundreds of high school musicians performing at Cedar Point along the midway. At the left hand side of the photo is the well-remembered Berardi's French Fries stand.

Here's another photo of it from a post I did back in 2009.

Looking at these photos sure makes me hungry for some of those famous Berardi's French Fries. And since I live in Vermilion, it's only a short drive down U. S. 6 to Berardi's in Huron!
By the way, the Berardi's advertising mascot seen on the Cedar Point stand sign lives on today. Here's the Berardi's Concessions logo (below), associated with its mobile food truck operations.
By the way, the Journal caption for the 1967 photo mentions McNamara's Band. It's a reference that many young-un's might not get. But your friendly, aging blogger does.
Fortunately, my father had a lot of old 78 records, and one of them was the Bing Crosby version of McNamara's Band.

Hey, that 78 might have been the most Irish thing we had in the house when I was growing up!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, those gynormous french fries, and the swirly ice cream cones....hard to believe, it's been nearly fifty-one years since my last visit to Cedar Point!
