Friday, April 26, 2019

National Tube Want Ad – April 26, 1947

Here’s a want ad illustrating the labor shortage that was experienced by National Tube in Lorain after World War II, necessitating the company’s importing of Puerto Rican workers.

The ad ran in the Lorain Journal on April 26, 1947 – 72 years ago today.

Note that there were several places in Lorain County that one could apply: at the plant employment office at 28th St. and Pearl; in the telephone company office at Wellington; and at the United States Employment Service in the Broadway Building.

There was a also a need for housing for workers, and the ad included a number to call if you had rooms available.

Just a little slice of Lorain’s history.


  1. a completely different time...

  2. Of all the businesses and industries that found a home in Lorain,"the mill" was what truly defined our city; it was in our blood.

  3. That mill made Lorain. I was a 5th generation steelworker there until the blast furnaces went cold. Part of me is still in that plant from all of my family history working there. Godbless Lorain Ohio's steelworkers, they made that plant prosper for over 120 yrs.

  4. Back when your fellow neighbor could have a blue collar job good enough to support his family.....And everybody respected everyone's personal property.And you and your fellow neighbors looked out for everybody....Like on Leave It To Beaver......Now you have to have 2 or 3 part time jobs just to make ends meet.Then you can only afford a rental in the slums of Lorain.And you can't really live in the hood now and own anything nice and expect your property to not get vandalized or stolen by anyone.....Ah yes,progress they call it......I say it was better in the good old days.
