Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Erie County Bank Grand Opening in Vermilion – April 1969

(Courtesy Lake Shore Rail Maps)
On the face of it, the stately KeyBank building (above) on Liberty Avenue in Vermilion (U. S. Route 6) across from the shopping center may not seem like anything to be nostalgic about.

But the building's location is what's notable: it was built on the former site of the Crystal Beach ballroom.

At right is a terrific photo from Drew Penfield's Lake Shore Rail Maps website showing the ballroom and just how huge the domed structure was. (Click here to visit the website’s fascinating Vermilion pages, which include a capsule history of Crystal Beach amusement park, which closed at the end of the 1962 season.)

April 29, 1949 Ad Promoting Bands Appearing
at the Crystal Beach Ballroom
Anyway, the building that is currently home to KeyBank had its Grand Opening as the main office of Erie County Bank back on April 12, 1969. As an article in the Journal on April 10th noted, “The bank is located on the former site of the Crystal Beach ballroom across from South Shore Shopping Center on US 6 (Lake Road).

“Prizes, gifts, displays and refreshments will highlight the grand opening of the installation which offers complete banking services.

“The new main building houses the offices of the president and other bank officials off the main lobby. On the second floor at the mortgage department, checking and proof department, board room, employes’ lounge and a community room equipped with tables, chairs and a kitchenette. Its capacity is 60 persons.”

Erie County Bank was established in 1940. Society Bank of the Firelands was its successor bank, followed by KeyBank.

The Vermilion Photojournal featured this night shot of the building on the front page of the April 10, 1969 edition.

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