Monday, April 1, 2019

A Ten-Year Anniversary Message

Believe it or not, this blog is ten years old today! Gee, time flies when you’re busy posting an endless parade of vintage Reddy Kilowatt ads.

Originally, I wasn’t even going to mention the anniversary today. Why? Because after ten years of blogging, I often feel like I'm squeezing an empty tube of toothpaste, trying to make it last a teensy bit longer. I’ve covered so many Lorain topics in ten years that I’m running out of things to write about. Plus, I’m often afraid that my posts about the “good old days” and “what might have been” are merely rubbing sea salt in the economic wounds suffered by my beloved lakefront hometown.

But after my Flintstone blog post last Friday, it seemed appropriate to celebrate the event with Fred and Barney singing the anniversary song, just as I did when the blog hit the five year mark.

On a positive note, my move to Vermilion last summer has provided me with the opportunity for brand new topics and increased exposure to boot. (My recent series on Lake Haven Park resulted in an all-time record of more than 450 hits in one day – compared to my usual twelve! But I value those twelve just as if they were 1200.)

So as I slowly run out of gas, I can only ask you to continue to drop by in the hopes that you’ll find something interesting once in a while. I do have some long-postponed topics planned (that do not include the Pueblo).

As always, it is the contributions by my readers and friends that make this blog a much richer experience. It simply would not be the same without the comments left by loyal readers like Alan Hopewell and Rae, or the great research contributed by historians Dennis Lamont, Drew Penfield, Rick Kurish, Dennis Thompson and others.

Indeed, if Dennis T. or Rick ever started up their own history blogs, I'd probably have to pull the plug (an expression that would make Reddy Kilowatt shudder) on this one due to lack of content. Thanks, guys!

And thanks to everyone who has ever left a comment, or emailed me with a reminisce or suggestion for a post.


  1. Happy Anniversary Dan! I was born and raised in Lorain and currently live in Amherst. I enjoy reading your blog daily. Lot of good stuff, fun to reminisce. Keep up the good work.

  2. I can understand the salt in the wound. I prefer to see it as a glimpse at how incredibly important and versatile Lorain had become and how important it was through sheer chance of location and the headstrong people that resided here.

    You had a post about the Lawyer the other day that built his compound off of Meister Rd, I remember when the owners put up the dirt mounds and everyone across the street was angry about the dust blowing onto their houses. For 30 years we drove by and I always wondered who owned it, I always thought it was an odd arrangement of properties in that area.

    I've always been a sucker for things that make you go "well, I wonder why..." and your blog always provides the hearty "huh, well thats interesting!"

    Side note, have you ever covered the king estate that was to the west of lakeview park that was eventually deeded to the parks?

  3. Thanks for the anniversary wishes, Mike! I appreciate it.

    And I'm glad the blog provides some answers to things you wonder about, MY. I did do one post back in 2009 in which I posted my photo of the soon-to-be-torn down King residence just to the west of Lakeview Park:

  4. Happy anniversary, Dan! As I've told you many times before, I always enjoy your blog, and I think there is still plenty for you to write about if you're still enjoying it.

  5. Thanks, Drew! And thanks for all your contributions as well, especially sharing your archival material & research, as well as your steady stream of blog topic suggestions. You're right, of course, that there is an endless supply of topics to write about; my problem is that I used up all the easy ones!


  6. Great Job Dan

    "Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting adventure"

  7. I like that! (It's a lot better than "Tune in tomorrow for another lackluster effort!")

  8. Hi Dan - Congratulations on 10 years of great information, recollections and storytelling. As we are about the same age (old) I enjoy your point of view as I experienced many of the same experiences (cartoons, politics, NASA, The Journal)that you did growing up in Lorain. Having lived out of town now for over 23 years you are my daily morning ritual for remembering the good and not so good things about Lorain. I hope you have the gumption to keep going. Thank you Todd.

  9. Thanks, Todd! And thanks for your comments too, as you're one of the regulars and I appreciate it!

    Yup, I plan to keep it going although in my old age I sometimes have prepped a brand new post only to discover that I already posted the material 7 or 8 years ago! It's terrible getting old!

  10. Happy 10th and don’t stop, Dan! Enjoy all your posts. Grew up in the area (Elyria Township) and seems I learn something new every day. Great job!,

  11. Congratulations - it takes a lot of work to produce a blog like yours. Just wanted you to know that it is appreciated!

  12. Congratulations Dan for 10 years of daily history. That's a lot of dedication we are all proud of. I learn a new thing with every article. Keep up the great work that helps motivate me every morning. We're blessed to have you keeping up the interesting past in such nice ways. Matt

  13. Thanks, Denise! I'm glad you enjoy it! You grew up in an interesting area, it seems like time stands still in Elyria Twp with Oh Boy and Dinner Bell drive-ins, not to mention the old Lorain Drive-in!

    And thanks, Buster! Your TWO blogs are terrific and should be visited by anyone who is interested in old 10 inch LPS, and obscure 45s and 78s!

  14. Thanks, Matt! And thanks so much for always sharing your archives and research with me, I really appreciate it! You've provided me with a lot of topics and content that will show up on the blog soon!

  15. Your posts are like a cup of coffee each morning. I always wonder what you are going to write about. And every so often it spurs me on to see if I can add something to the story. Sometimes I drive by an old building and muse, "I wonder if Dan wrote about this one?"


  16. Hi Dennis! Thanks so much for your incredible research that you do and share to make this blog better and more thorough. I am still amazed (and grateful) that you were able to identify the 'mystery farm' as that of Anna Martin's.

    Thanks again, Dennis! I have at least one of your 'ready made' blog posts in the hopper (or on-deck circle if you are into the Indians today).

  17. Happy Anniversary, Dan! I look forward to your blog every weekday; it never gets stale, and I've never caught even a whiff of cynicism in it, just the pleasure of having grown up in a place like Lorain.
    Our hometown is truly one of a kind, and you do her justice with your blog.
    Keep on keeping on!

  18. Thanks, Alan! And thank YOU for all the great comments and making the blog a lot more fun and interesting!

    Let's plan on a full-scale "interview" this year so as to let readers know more about you; many people (Including my own mother) have told me that your viewpoints and reminisces are like the icing on the cake!

  19. Happy Anniversary! I've loved reading your blog over the years!

  20. Thanks, Mark! And thanks for all your comments! I appreciate it!

  21. I look forward to reading this every weekday morning. Keep up the great work.

  22. Dan,

    Congratulations on ten amazing years! Your blog is a DAILY visit for me, and it's always interesting!


  23. Congratulations on 10 years! I really enjoy the blog and read it daily. Keep up the great work as long as you can!
    Dave Beko

  24. Thanks, Mike and Dave! I appreciate the nice comments! They help keep me going, that’s for sure!

  25. Congratulations on the best kept secret in Lorain County for the last 10 years, still haven't caught up. Keep up the great work, have a couple things for u, good luck on one of them. Doug

  26. Congratulations! Reading your blog is definitely my morning ritual. When Saturday and Sunday roll around, I'll sometimes re-read articles from many months/years ago (as well as the Friday topic.) Keep up the good work!

  27. Hi, Dan and Congratulations on one impressive run! Your site is the first place I go when my computer clicks-on in downtown Denver every day around 5:30AM Although our family moved away from Lorain 50 years ago, your blog remains my final connection to my hometown and I thoroughly enjoy your work. Certainly understand some of the trials and tribulations but I am glad you will carry-on. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your fascinating work each and every day. Tim Burton

  28. Thanks, Lisa! I re-read old posts too once in a while just to see what was going on eight or nine years ago. Sometimes I can't even remember writing them!

    And thanks for the nice comment, Tim! I'm glad the blog helps you and other Lorainites Out West stay connected!

  29. Happy Anniversary Dan!
    And thanks for giving me a little bit of home to look forward to dern near every weekday for the last ten years!
    I still remember the pizza survey long ago. One vote for Yala's, one for Selenti's!
    And heck, if you're looking for topics I have suggestions!
    Thanks again Dan

  30. Thanks, Ken! I hope to enlist your creative writing abilities again! I still get emails and comments about the article you wrote about your steel mill adventures.

  31. Congrats and Thank you! You do a great job, I read the blog several times a week!


  32. If your willing to go dark side of lorain...
    teflon bullets...
    one of the packages in this thread show the address 710 foster park road

  33. Thanks for the nice comment, Theresa! I'm glad you enjoy the blog!

    And thanks for the interesting link about the ammo, Jay! That's something I was not familiar with!

  34. Please don’t stop! I’ll be 65 yrs old this summer and your stories take me down memory lane, again and again. I’m now living in the San Diego, CA area with my son & family. I wish I could handle the weather back home, but alas, my health won’t permit it. So thank you for providing me the opportunity to stroll my old stomping grounds with you and my fellow Lorain County Alumnus!

    Happy 10th Anniversary - I’ll sing the Flintstone Anniversary song with you!

  35. Thanks, Lynn! I appreciate the nice comments, they help me keep the blog going year after year! And thanks for the singing offer too!
