Thursday, February 28, 2019

Vermilion’s Steamboat Inn Article – March 1969

Yesterday’s blog post dealt with the Vermilion restaurant called L’Auberge Du Port, which was located in a building on Main Street called the Sail Loft that today is the home of Chez Francois. The Sail Loft is said to date back to 1840.

Not too far from the Sail Loft building on the corner of Main and Huron Street is a historic home that might be even older. According to the article below, the house had a colorful history as Steamboat Inn in the late 1830s before eventually becoming a residence.

Read all about it in the article by Hermaine Speigle below, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on March 16, 1969. By then, Richard and Luella Gehl were the owners. The article details Luella Gehl’s restoration efforts.

And here’s a recent view of the former Steamboat Inn.


  1. that engagement notice to the right, is that THE Timothy Papp?

  2. Hi Alan! I'm afraid it is, unfortunately.

  3. I noticed that engagement notice too.

  4. I wonder where she is today. We know where he is. Later in life I met some of the Keathley family. Little Roxie is buried in KY. Rae

  5. I came here to leave a comment about the engagement announcement. I saw the name Timothy Papp and remembered his crime. I also am wondering where his wife is today.
