Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Middle Ridge Road Exit – Feb. 1969

Longtime residents of this area (at least those age 60 and over) remember when Lake Road (or West Erie/East Erie in Lorain) was commonly referred to as 6 & 2 – that is, U.S. Highway 6 and State Route 2. It was the main route through town, and Lorain and the other lakefront cities enjoyed the economic benefits of being located on the main highway.

The construction of the new limited access east-west highway south of the city changed all that.

The State Route 2 designation was reassigned to the new highway, and Lorain eventually ending up losing what little through traffic it still had after the opening of the Ohio Turnpike in the 50s.

Thus it’s not too surprising that the Lorain Journal – back then still in its role as journalistic watchdog for the well-being for the city – had a concern about signage on the new highway.

In the Feb. 5, 1969 edition of the paper, an article (below) appeared which expressed concern about the signage and lighting at the Middle Ridge Road exit.

It makes a good point. 
Fifty years later, there is signage in both directions well before the highway ramp letting motorists know that the exit (now labeled Middle Ridge Rd/Broadway Ave.) provides access to Lorain. There are also signs at the end of the ramp as well.

I tried to figure out whether the above photo shows the eastbound or westbound exit off State Route 2. It looks like a gentle ascent to Middle Ridge Road, so I'm guessing it's the westbound view. Here's today's westbound view for comparison.

Here's the eastbound view (below).


  1. So it appears that the Broadway extension was not South Broadway at the Time? Middle Ridge all the way up?

  2. I checked the Historic Aerials website and it appears that by 1969, Broadway had indeed been extended south to Middle Ridge.
