Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Beatle Mania Comes to Lorain – Feb. 1964

Three days after the Beatles made their first live television appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show on Feb. 9, 1964, the ad above was printed in the Lorain Journal.

The Feb. 12, 1964 ad – featuring our old pal Ed (currently appearing in Ed Tomko Chrysler Jeep Dodge ads) – advertises Beatle wigs and records for sale in the Patio Room adjacent to the Colony bar, located at the intersection of Kansas Avenue and Colorado Ave.

(I’ve written about the Colony a few times, including how the bar was the successor to Gus Atthanasoff’s Showboat restaurant, which had been destroyed in a fire. I also posted a 1963 St. Paddy’s Day ad, and another ad noting that you could purchase Cleveland Indians tickets there.)

Anyway, you have to admit that it’s pretty impressive to be selling Beatles stuff only a couple days after the Fab Four exploded into the nation’s consciousness. I’d sure like to see what one of those wigs looked like.

But what I can’t figure out is why the artist who designed the ad didn’t retouch the art so that Ed was wearing one!

I wrote about how the Beatles affected the Brady family back here, including how each of my siblings and I each had a favorite member of the group.

Somehow, “my” Beatle ended up being Ringo – the goofy one (at least in those TV cartoons we watched).


  1. Marion L Steele High School in Amherst banned guys from wearing Beatle style haircuts on the property. I remember they had several teachers at the entrance to the basketball games. I didn't have a real Beatles haircut but I tried combing my hair down over my brow and had to re-do it before they would let me in. Such silliness!

  2. Alan, that's a pretty good approximation of the TV cartoon Ringo's catch-phrase, although I would spell it more like "Huh-Huh Hee-yeah!" I still imitate that laugh at work to the confusion of the millennials I work with.

  3. But do you ever say,
    "Prop man....oh, prop man"?
