Friday, January 25, 2019

The Passing Scene – January 1969

Well, January is winding down pretty quickly – so I’d better post these The Passing Scene strips by Gene Patrick from January 1969.

Like I mentioned last month, the microfilm quality of the newspapers containing these strips wasn’t so hot – but I’ll present them here anyway. They look a little grubbier than usual, but the humor is still top-rate.

The January 4, 1969 strip has some good gags (although in 2019 you wouldn’t be doing a joke about sharing needles).
The next comic (from January 11th) is pretty topical, with some marijuana humor.
Getting Lorain voters to approve additional money for schools is always a timely topic, as seem in the January 18th strip.
The last strip for the month includes a mention of the Journal’s “Favorite Teacher” contest, which I’ll be covering on one of next month’s posts. I like the gag about Elyria Hospital’s lackluster reaction to the Sheffield Lake Welcome Wagon’s card-collecting efforts.

1 comment:

  1. I think if I remember correctly I was probably one of the 2,000 that got that flu shot that year. I like the connections I make in your posts
