Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New Chamber of Commerce Building for Lorain – Jan. 1969

Here’s another one from the “What Might Have Been” Department.

Did you know that a multi-million dollar commercial and apartment building was planned for Downtown Lorain by the Greater Lorain Chamber of Commerce back in January 1969?

As noted in the article below, which ran on the front page of the Journal on January 24, 1969, the building would be home to a bank, stores, business offices and apartments for the elderly. The Greater Lorain Chamber of Commerce would retain ownership of the building.

There were three locations under consideration, including: on Broadway near the Cleveland Trust Building; on Broadway near the Post Office building; and near the proposed civic center on Broadway between Fourth Street and West Erie Avenue.

The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority was going to be a major tenant, with 200 units that would be rented to elderly tenants with moderate income. High rent apartments were also a consideration.

Here is the article (hey, the illustration is by our pal Gene Patrick).

I’m not exactly sure what happened to this project. (I was only ten years old when it was proposed). Perhaps it somehow morphed into Lakeview Plaza, ditching the commercial end of the project and focusing on apartments only? 

1 comment:

  1. If it did indeed turn into the Lakeview Plaza,it's a shame that it is run down now.Alot of seedy characters live at the Lakeview Plaza and they all hang out in front of the Lorain Public Library selling their product(if you know what I mean).Just like the Kennedy Apartments across from The Morning Journal.I always thought that the Kennedy complex should be renamed as it just drags down the Kennedy name.I understand that people need to live somewhere but come on.It should be a requirement for the Mayor of Lorain to have his or her residency in the Lakeview Plaza or the Kennedy slum....Oh well another run down part of Lorain to avoid.
