Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ohio Public Service Co. Ads – Dec. 1946 & 1947

It just wouldn’t be Christmas here on the blog without an appearance by Reddy Kilowatt. 

Thus it shouldn’t be too surprising to my longtime readers that I kick-off my annual parade of vintage Christmas ads with one featuring my favorite advertising mascot.

The ad above featuring the ever-cheerful electrical sprite appeared in the Lorain Journal on December 7, 1946. Note the reference to the scarcity of electrical appliances at that time, as the war had just ended in 1945.

A year later, the Ohio Public Service Company ran the ad below in the Journal on December 12, 1947.
By this time, the scarcity mentioned in the 1946 was apparently over. No ‘boudoir lamps’ or electric irons are mentioned this time; huckster Santa is pushing those electric ranges, with Reddy reduced to a mere cameo at the bottom of the ad.


  1. From the time I was twelve, that was my job, to walk downtown and pay the "light" bill, and the gas bill, which were just a couple doors apart back then.
    If things were tight, they'd sometimes let you pay part of the bill, and catch up on the rest later; not like that anymore.😉

  2. Which corner was this at 8th?
