Monday, December 24, 2018

Journal Christmas Eve Front Page - Dec. 24, 1968

Well it’s Christmas Eve, so it’s a good time to post this.

It should look familiar to anyone who subscribed to the Journal during the 1960s and 70s, because for years the paper ran the wraparound illustration of the Three Wise Men and the Nativity on the front page on Christmas Eve.

If you look closely in the lower right hand corner, you’ll see the initials ‘gp.’ Of course, they belong to Journal cartoonist Gene Patrick, whose “Passing Scene” cartoons I’ve been posting regularly on this blog – as recently as a few days ago.

The Christmas Eve edition of the paper usually included an update of that year’s Mary Lee Tucker effort, as shown above. Some $8,000 had been donated that year so far.

Anyway, here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

I’ll be taking my usual holiday break from blogging for a few days, but I'll be back as it gets closer to New Year’s Eve.


  1. Merry Christmas Dan...thanks for the 'present' you deliver every morning. Todd

  2. Thanks, Todd! Merry Christmas to you, too!
    And Merry Christmas, Ken!

  3. Yes, thanks for the "present" you bring to us each morning! By the way, the "Wanted by FBI" article was fascinating.
