Thursday, November 1, 2018

Tower Trouble

Avon Lake Water Tower (Courtesy Google Maps)
Sometimes a good idea turns out to be a towering disappointment.

Let me explain. Back in September, I had read that the old Avon Lake water tower on Walker Road was going to be torn down soon.

Coincidentally, after a late afternoon haircut in Avon Lake last week, I happened to be within a stone’s throw of the soon-to-be-demolished tower. With Walker Road closed, and police cars all around, I figured it must be coming down that night – and soon.

It was a good opportunity to get a shot of the tower falling. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera with me. So I hoped I could get something blog-worthy with my lowly Tracfone.

My problem? Finding a good vantage point. At first, I dawdled behind the office building on Walker, watching and waiting.

But after a while, I decided to give up and go home. I had no idea what time the thing was scheduled to come down anyway.

So I got in my car and headed south on Moore Road. But I couldn’t resist pulling into the parking lot of the credit union to watch from a distance. (I’m a member there anyway.)

Deciding to try to get a photo after all, I stood outside my car, with my phone pointed at the tower. I took a few random shots, hoping that I would get lucky and that the thing would drop while I was focused on it. But no such luck.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, I decided to go online and see if I could find out what time it was supposed to come down.

You know what happened next. As soon as I sat down in my car, I looked up and saw the tower slowly teeter and crash to the ground.

I had to settle for a drive-by shot of the toppled tower a few minutes later.

Frankly, I was impressed that the thing hadn’t flattened a police car or knocked down some power lines.

Anyway, for professional coverage of the demolition by Richard Payerchin of the Morning Journal, click here.

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