Friday, November 30, 2018

The Marijuana Menace – November 1968

Marijuana seems to be in the news every day now, gaining respectibility.

Canada legalized recreational marijuana in mid-October 2018. In the United States, the recreational use of marijuana is legal in ten states. And Ohio legalized medical marijuana back in 2016.

That’s why it was fairly amusing to see the editorial below, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on November 22, 1968.

I’m on board with the idea that someone shouldn’t rot in prison for having a small amount of marijuana. But I’ll probably never budge in my opinion that recreational marijuana is a bad idea that I hope is never exported here from the Great White North.


  1. I was a long-time pot smoker,Dan, and I've often considered its medical use,4-X, as an analgesic.
    However,I'd have to agree with you,as per recreational use.

  2. Saw news the day Canada went legal, cost is said to be $450.00 and ounce!
    I'll stick to Aleve and Vodka.

    Plus the idiots growing it only sell the bud, all the little leaf clippings are removed to who knows where?

  3. Back when this article was published I was experimenting with smoking banana peels.
