Saturday, November 24, 2018

Ohio State vs Michigan – 1968

1968 Football Program Cover
(Courtesy Ohio State University archives)
Well, it’s the day of the big game. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Since I’ve been featuring snippets of Ohio State’s 1968 National Championship season here on the blog, above is the cover of the football program for the game against Michigan that year.

And here is the Journal’s coverage the next day of the Buckeye blowout victory.

The funny thing is, while I was at Ohio State, I never attended a Michigan game in Columbus. My dormitory roomies and I used to scalp our tickets. (Greed is a terrible thing.)

I guess that’s why the cover of the 1978 program (below) featuring Tom Cousineau doesn’t look familiar to me.

Courtesy Ohio State University archives
It’s too bad Ohio State lost that game and ended up in the Gator Bowl, where Woody Hayes unfortunately wrapped up his coaching career.

Anyway, Go Bucks!

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