Monday, November 19, 2018

Murray Ridge Landmark Burns – Nov. 5, 1965

It’s always sad when a historic Lorain County building is torn down to make way for a housing development or dollar store. But it’s even sadder when such a landmark is loss to fire.

Unfortunately that was the case with the building as reported in the article by Milt Haitema below, which ran in the Lorain Journal on November 5, 1965.

The landmark was located on the northwest corner of State Route 113 (which in 1965 was Lowell Street) and Murray Ridge Road, and was believed to have been as stop on the Underground Railroad.

The article includes a quote by Colonel Raymond Vietzen, who ran the Indian Ridge Museum on Murray Ridge Road from 1930 to 1995.


  1. Readers may like to know that this corner is now Lowell St and Murray Ridge Rd. The state designation "SR 113" moved onto the modern Elyria bypass.

  2. Dan, an article on Col. Vietzen and his wife Ruth highlighting their Indian Ridge Museum would make for a great blog post!
