Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Kaminski Oldsmobile Grand Opening Ad – November 8, 1957

Here’s a full-page ad for the Grand Opening of Kaminski Oldsmobile at 2950 Broadway. The ad ran in the Lorain Journal on November 8, 1957.

As I noted back in this 2011 post, the 2950 Broadway address was originally the home of Kunick Motor Sales in the early 1950s. Vogt Oldsmobile took over the location a couple years after Kunick. Kaminski moved in after Vogt.

Kaminski only stayed at that address for only a couple years before moving the dealership to a new home on Henderson Drive (where my parents launched their decades-long love affair with the Oldsmobile brand).

Today, the 2950 Broadway address is home to Steel City Auto Sales & Service.

Believe me, posting this on the day after General Motors made its depressing announcement of plant closings and job cuts was not planned.

It's a sad, sad thing. But you can't make people buy vehicles they don't want.

I've never owned an SUV in my life and don't plan to. But I probably would have kept buying Oldsmobiles if GM had continued to make them. I'm loyal even when it doesn't always make sense.

Look what I received in my email this morning from an anonymous contributor and fellow Olds enthusiast: a nice vintage postcard featuring the building at 2950 Broadway as it looked when it was the home of Vogt Oldsmobile.

It's nice to see the building in its heyday as an auto dealership. Thanks to my anonymous contributor for sharing!


  1. Interesting how the dip in the road at 30th and Broadway doesn't appear in the postcard Photo. And you are 100% correct if GM still made a car that appealed to an older generation they wouldn't be closing plants. Whatever happened to Olds, Delta 88's, Pontiac Bonnevilles, Grand Prix's and Chevy Monte Carlo's, I want a 2 door semi luxury car with a V8 - NOT A over rev'ing TURBO 4 cylinder with a kazoo muffler on it. - I hate 4 doors - to many doors for a empty nester

  2. The 2 dr personal luxury coupe market is gone.That's one reason why the Thunderbird and Cougar were discontinued in Lorain back in 1997...Nobody wants 2 dr cars enough to justify a product being produced.And that was over 20 years ago.That plus the little kiddies nowadays with their love of Hollyweird and the foreign car makes.And all of those are 4 drs.So that put the nail in the coffin of the 2 dr coupe market.Ironically it was the Thunderbird that created the 2 dr personal luxury coupe market back in 1958 when Ford expanded it from a 2 seat roadster to a full size 2 dr hardtop with a back seat.The Big 3 practically invented everything about how to produce,market,design and sell an automobile.Which the foreign manufacturers copy to a T.Now the foreign makes are just stealing every little bit of market share that they can and GM is being forced to close the Lordstown plant because of them,just like Fords closure of the Lorain plant.Sad state of affairs in America.

  3. I'm a 3rd generation Ford worker.My father and his father both worked at the Lorain Assembly Plant.I work at the Avon Lake plant now.You won't believe the amount of foreign junk cars that the newer generation drives today.This is concerning both the UAW employees and the salaried employees at the plant.They drive their Toyotas and Hondas out to the plant right now and park in the parking lot.The spoiled kids today have no loyalty to their employer.They do have to park in a section to themselves but still,if you won't drive a product made by your employer than why should someone else go and buy a product from a company that you work for?...The problems of todays world were first started by the baby boomer hippies in the 1960's with their free love and not wanting to conform to everyday demands and wanting to be different.So they smoked weed and bought foreign cars to be different..Namely Volkswagens because they thought the little Beetle was cute and cool...Then the baby boomers kids kept the tradition up by buying more foreign cars and doing more harder drugs....Today the grandkids of the baby boomers have the USA completely messed up.They're on drugs and all drive foreign cars.And they are responsible for the opiod crisis that is going on in the country today.And this all leads up to plant closures like Lordstown Assembly and the Lorain Assembly Plant from not supporting your neighbors and co-workers.I only buy American brand autos and trucks.Call me old fashioned or whatever but if people still lived the old fashioned life we wouldn't have any of the problems that we have today.My father always used to talk about Kaminski Oldsmobile all of the time.Lorain used to be a hot town to sell brand new cars.Every American manufacturer had a dealership here.There was even a Tucker dealership in Lorain that has been talked about on this blog before.Not anymore.
