Monday, November 5, 2018

Fall Calvacade of Color

It’s been a glorious autumn up here near the lake, if you enjoy watching the leaves change color as I do. After a slow start, the brilliant colors really started to appear in the last week and a half in the Vermilion area.
It’s a tradition here on the blog for me to some post photos of the fall foliage, so I headed out this weekend a few times to see what was going on color-wise in some of my favorite places.

Saturday was kind of cloudy, with the sun playing hide and seek, but I paid a late afternoon visit to Mill Hollow.

On Sunday, I started out on Baumhart Road, with side trips down Cooper Foster Park Road, Whittlesey Road, Sunnyside Road and North Ridge Road. Then I jogged over to Route 60 and checked out Sperry Road and Gore Orphanage Road before ending up in Vermilion’s Historic District.

At the corner of Baumhart and Cooper Foster Park Road looking north
Looking east on Whittlesey Road
Along North Ridge Road

Looking north on Sunnyside Road
Brownhelm Cemetery
Just off Sunnyside Road
Maple Grove Cemetery on Mason Road
Gore Orphanage Road
Someone once observed that if the autumn season – with its spectacular color show – only came once in our lifetime, we would appreciate its beauty a lot more.

I believe it.

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