Thursday, November 8, 2018

Downtown Lorain Fisher-Fazio Closes – Nov. 1968

Fisher Foods was a Downtown Lorain mainstay for decades. The neon sign for the store near the Loop even showed up on a few vintage postcards.

The store even survived right into the 1960s.

Store logo circa 1963
Mid-1960s view of the store
That's why it was particularly sad when it was announced in November 1968 that the store – now operated by the merged Fisher-Fazio organization – was going to close.
The store still did a good business. But its location (right across from the Broadway Building) was right in the city block that was the proposed location for the new civic center.

Fisher-Fazio denied that the store was closing because of the potential loss of it to the civic center. You can read all about it in the story below, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on November 1, 1968.


  1. And so it the Visigoths want to destroy Veteran's Park.

  2. I see the P.O.C. Beer sign painted on the side of the building in the 60's pick! My dad and grandpa used to drink that but never could tell me what the initials stood for.
