Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Town Crier Inn Ad – October 10, 1963

Yesterday’s post dealt with the United Polish Club’s 50th Anniversary celebration back in early October 1963. Well, at that same time, the above ad for the Town Crier Inn ran in the Lorain Journal on October 10, 1963 – 55 years ago today.

I’ve written about the Town Crier Inn before. This 2012 post included several postcards, such as the one at left. Hey, on the sign it’s spelled ‘Towne Crier Inn.’

My posts on restauranteur Richard Head revealed that he was involved with this restaurant too, even though it was in North Ridgeville.

Nevertheless, the Town Crier Inn offered roast whole round of beef, baked Virginia-style ham, country chicken, sea food, and open hearth broiled steaks.

A little touch of the colonial days, gone from Lorain County forever.

1 comment:

  1. Dan,
    I happened across your posts on the Towne Crier Inn while web searching info since I had a Newspappers article that my parents used the Towne Crier Inn for a party celebrating my Dad's parents 41st Anniversary back around June 1965.

    So I saw your add listing the location as Elyria but other searches indicate it was North Ridgeville, Ohio.

    Did North Ridgeville or Elyria annex that location?

    Thank you,
