Thursday, October 25, 2018

Reddy Kilowatt Ad – October 25, 1967

Well, it’s been a while since I posted an ad featuring our old pal Reddy Kilowatt. So here’s one that ran in the Lorain Journal on October 25, 1967 – 51 years ago today.

And it’s a nice ad too – one of the best-looking renderings of the electrical sprite that I’ve ever seen.

Anyway, looking at this ad makes me nostalgic for the days when we only had one electric utility and less choices for providers. I know that sounds ignorant, but I’m weary from all of these companies desperately doing everything they can to get me to switch. I think every robot in Northeast Ohio has placed a robocall to my humble abode.

"Angie" seemed to call me almost every day. I finally managed to listen long enough to get to the part where I could press a button on my phone to opt out of her offer. So she no longer calls me.

But now I kinda regret it. I'd grown accustomed to her voice – just like Henry Higgins!

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