Thursday, October 18, 2018

Passing Scenes – October 1968

Well, October is more than half over – so here's this month's collection of The Passing Scene comics from 50 years ago. It's nice to have Gene Patrick back in the saddle.

Some of the strips have already been posted on this blog, before I started presenting them as a ‘fifty years ago’ gimmick.

Here's the October 5, 1968 edition. I like the taxpayer gag.
The bowling panel reminds me that my siblings and I once bowled in a Saturday morning beginners league at Shoreway Lanes in Sheffield Lake in the late 60s. I wonder if it was the same one mentioned in the comic? I remember the best part was the great hot dog in a toasted New England bun afterwards!
Here's the October 12, 1968 comic. I guess burning leaves was the thing to do back then.
Here's the October 19, 1968 edition.
At the time of this comic, the city was still deciding where to build its new civic center. At one point one of the choices was Oberlin Avenue, roughly where the Northwest Bank is located. But it ended up being located Downtown in the end, although the project did not turn out to be as grand as envisioned. 
Lastly, here is the October 26 comic. Another burning leaf gag!

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