Friday, October 5, 2018

50th Anniversary of Vermilion High School Dedication

While Lorain is in the process of tearing down Southview, its last ‘original’ public high school, the high school in a neighboring city is about to celebrate a milestone anniversary this week.

It was fifty years ago on October 6, 1968 that the new Vermilion High School was dedicated.

The Lorain Journal published a preview on the front page of its September 4, 1968 edition, the first day of school in the new building.

Later in the month, the newspaper promoted the upcoming dedication on the eve of the event. The article below ran on the front page on October 5, 1968.
The day after the dedication of the $2.6-million building, the Journal ran the headline below.
Today the high school is still an attractive and well-maintained structure.

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