Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Billy Nahm and the Paul A. Miller Circus Revisited

Remember when I wrote about the day that the Paul Miller Circus put on a show in Bill Nahm's front yard in Lorain in September 1963?

My original post explained how young Billy had won a contest with the prize being a personal visit from the circus. The circus troupe included elephants, clowns, unicyclists and tumblers – making for a memorable day for Bill and his family, friends, and neighbors.
Billy and two of the clowns from the Paul Miller Circus
Billy and one of the elephants
Well, I recently found the Journal article providing the background about the contest and how Billy won. It's a cute story.

The Paul Miller Circus was already performing in Downtown Lorain for a special merchant "Fiesta Days" promotion.  But as it had done in other cities, the circus held a contest and invited local children to write letters explaining "Why I Would Like To Have A Circus In My Backyard."

There were many great entries, but according to the article, Billy's letter touched the judge's hearts.

Billy wrote, "Dear Mr. Miller. I would like to have a circus in my yard because this summer I tried to have a circus and had a lot of trouble.

"My turtle got run over, the snake got away and my dog would not do any tricks. The only thing I could do was the sumersalt [sic]. The kids did not like this show. They ate all the popcorn and went home.

"I would like to have a nice circus for them and all my other friends too. Thank you. – Billy Nahm."

Here is the whole article, as it appeared in the Journal on September 18, 1963 – 55 years ago.

(Thanks to Bill Nahm for allowing me to extend his fifteen minutes of fame a little longer!)
There's not a lot of information online about the Paul A. Miller Circus, but there are a few photos of its clowns.
Here's one of a clown named "Bumpsy Anthony" circa 1959, courtesy of Pat Cashin's Clown Alley blog. Here are a few posts from the same blog about Bumpsy.

It sure looks like Bumpsy in the photo of Billy Nahm and the two clowns.

UPDATE (Sept. 25, 2018)
The ‘Comments’ section for this post includes a few from Bill Nahm himself and his friends that make reference to his long career as a high school and college football official.

Well, nine years after the circus set up shop on Bill’s front lawn, Bill was as a senior at Clearview High School and a member of the Clipper football defense unit in the fall of 1972.

That’s Bill in the front row at the far left. The photo appeared in the Chronicle-Telegram on November 15, 1972.


  1. Wow.. I woke up this morning... grabbed an orange power-ade, sat at the kitchen table and turned on the computer, clicked my bookmarks then clicked on Brady's Lorain County Nostalgia... AND WHAM... There is my name in the " Headline ".....thanks Dan....... [ did you recently move to the west side of the county? ] I think I will sign in as Anonymous.. Bill N

  2. Billy joined a Friday night circus about 40 years ago. Members from northwestern Lorain county and parts of Erie and Huron counties followed. Popcorn became cheese fries and he even had a mayor/auditor in his troupe. Tons of laughs. And they all lived happily ever after,The End. Don Nardo

  3. Thank you Anonymous Don Nardo ,, He is talking about my 35 years as a High School and Small College football official.. but alas.. some would still think I hung around CLOWNS.. and Nardo would fit right in.. just kidding The bond between the guys on our crew is still intact.. even after we all have retired..

  4. Retired and all living happily ever after, except for the jester from Bellevue. We can all admire his work ethic. And his big brother the mayor/beancounter still goes to the office daily.

  5. Hi Bill! Yup I did move to the western most edge of Lorain County this summer. And it is nice to hear you had such a great career in high school and college sports, after your Clearview football days were over!
