Thursday, August 30, 2018

Urban Renewal in Action – August 1968

Demolition has been a regular topic on this blog.

Many times I’ve complained (perhaps unfairly) that all Lorain ever does is condemn and demolish run-down homes and buildings, leaving an empty lot behind on which nothing will ever get built. These lots are all over the city, making it look as if time is running backwards.

Well, believe it or not, there was a time when it was possible to rehabilitate a house using government money, instead of just tearing it down. That’s the focus of the above ad, which ran in the Journal on August 23, 1968.

As you can see, the house at 1639 E. 33rd was slated for demolition. But instead, the property was remodeled by Nickoloff Builders as part of the Urban Renewal program. Apparently it was the city’s very first Urban Renewal project.

Today, the now-stately house looks much the same. I wonder if the current owner is aware that he owns a bit of history?

1 comment:

  1. That's cool how that house was rehabbed instead of torn down.Too bad it's in a depressed area.But sorry to say,pretty much all of Lorain is depressed.
