Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Mystery Hill Girl

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been eight years since I paid my Farewell Visit to Prehistoric Forest and Mystery Hill out at Marblehead and wrote about it here on the blog.

(Both attractions have been favorite topics here, with my original post about Prehistoric Forest; some vintage postcards and a collection of articles about both attractions; and the aforementioned three-part Farewell series of posts when the attractions closed for good.)

I’ve found a few new Mystery Hill postcards since my last blog post. All were published by Buckhorn Press Inc. of Gatlinburg, Tennessee with photography by Gene Aiken.

Most of the postcards feature the same pretty young girl. She’s wearing the same outfit in each photo so it must have been a busy day of shooting. We’ll call her the Mystery Hill Girl.

Here’s the Mystery Hill Girl on the Mystery Table. I like that knotty pine paneling.

Here she is again. The caption for this postcard was, “DID YOU EVER SEE WATER FLOW UP HILL?”
In this shot, the Mystery Hill Girl has picked up a little buddy. Well, maybe she’s not really a little buddy because she’s taller than the Mystery Girl in one of the photos. (The caption is “NOW SHE IS TALLER, NOW SHE IS NOT!”)
In this shot, the little buddy takes a break from shooting and relaxes in the Mystery Chair.
There are also postcards out there for Mystery Hill attractions in different parts of the country. They feature other models, including some Mystery Hill Adults.
But it’s only the blonde Mystery Hill Girl who is featured on three postcards. I wonder if she gets a kick out of being recognized by postcard collectors everywhere?

Let’s hope she’s still out there somewhere in America, enjoying life as well as her fame.

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