Monday, August 13, 2018

East Harbor State Park Postcards

Since I was writing about Mystery Hill a couple days ago, I think I’ll loiter here on the blog out in Vacationland a little longer. After all, summer is rapidly slipping away. So let’s pay a visit to East Harbor State Park through a series of vintage postcards.
East Harbor State Park has long been a favorite destination of the Brady family. It was one of the places (along with Mill Hollow) where we learned to camp.

According to online sources, the park has been around since 1947. Here are a few early postcards promoting the park, which is located on a peninsula near Marblehead.

Here are a few more beach shots. Who can forget those huge (and hot) slabs of stone leading down to it.
As I mentioned, we enjoyed camping at East Harbor. Here are some postcards promoting the campground. Hey, our tent might be in one of those shots!
When the Texas Bradys come east to Ohio for a spell each year, a picnic at East Harbor State Park is often a highlight of their visit. Here are two postcards of pic-a-nic’ers of the past.
The one was postmarked 1960.
And lastly, a day of fun at East Harbor wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the concession stand for some goodies.

1 comment:

  1. I have fond memories of East Harbor. We occasionally would picnic there when I was a kid and spend time at the beach. We would cross Sandusky Bay via SR 269 across the old Bay Bridge, which if I recall was a lift bridge. Later as a teen we would tent camp at East Harbor for week long intervals. They always had lots to do for everyone, movies, hikes, and a game room. Aaah, the good old days!

    Jackson MI
