Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Zsu Zsa at Benny's – June 1965

The incredible number of nightclub ads in old Lorain Journals from the 50s and 60s can lead one to only one conclusion: Lorain was a swingin’ town that liked the night life.

For decades, there was live entertainment available almost every night of the week. This was a real boon for area musicians and performers, who were able to make a pretty good living (or at least supplement their regular income).
And there were plenty of opportunities for the acts passing through Lorain as part of their national or regional tour too. 
I’ve featured a few of these acts over the years on this blog, including Woody Ernhart, who was appearing at Ben Hart’s night club on Broadway in January 1963.
Well, here’s an ad for another act – Zsu Zsa and the “Don’t Stop, Go” Revue – that appeared at a night club owned by Ben Hart (although this time it is the one located on West Erie Avenue, known at that time as Benny’s China Gate).
Here’s the ad, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on June 7, 1965. 
Although the ad for Zsu Zsa and the “Don’t Stop, Go” Revue – with five girls and four men – sounds like some kind of an orgy, it was nothing of the sort.
The book Catskill Culture: A Mountain Rat’s Memories of the Great Jewish Resort Area by Phil Brown provides a nice history of Zsu Zsa’s act. 
Brown’s parents worked at various resorts when he was a kid and he notes, “In addition to hiring acts, some hotels maintained resident entertainers, though not the huge social staffs of the early years. These acts would get free room and board in exchange for one show a week; the rest of the week they were free to play at other hotels. My own parents, always enticing relatives and friends to go the Mountains, even found people to fill this bill. Our friend Zsu Zsa had left Hungary after the 1956 rebellion, married Freddie Dawson in Canada, and wound up in North Miami Beach.
“Knowing that they were having a hard time getting their performing career off the ground, my parents arranged for them to come to Paul’s in Swan Lake around 1963 (remember, everyone was going to someday get their break in the Catskills). In their "Don’t Stop, Go! Revue,” Zsu Zsa played piano, Freddie played horn, both sang, and the difference was made up by a young drummer who also sang a little. These three entertainers, with their intense show business energy, could easily do a show of an hour and a half, and still have strength to drive to a later engagement or two.”
By 1964, Zsu Zsa and her husband had enlarged the act. An ad in the July 20, 1964 Anderson, Indiana Herald describes the act, which was playing Muncie at that time: “Lovely Zsu-Zsa and her Four Beautiful Dancing Girls Plus the Freddie Dawson Trio Playing for your Listening Pleasure. See the girls do the Twist – the Dog – Charleston.”
By the early 1970s, it appears that the “Don’t Stop, Go! Revue” had stopped and that Zsu Zsa was enjoying a new career.
An ad (at right) in the October 19, 1973 Montgomery, Alabama Advertiser revealed her new career as an artist, as she was appearing at an art show. It noted, "Zsu-Zsa Dawson was born in Budapest, Hungary. She is a graduate of the Artists Academy of Budapest. She took active part in the Revolution of 1956 and had to flee to Canada. She married Frederick Dawson, American artist and renowned musician. They toured the U.S. with their successful "DON'T STOP GO" Review. Currently, she is one of the top still-life artists in this country.

Just like when I wrote about Woody Ernhart, I was hoping to cap off my research with an interview with the performer. Sadly, (like with Woody), I was too late.

Zsu Zsa passed away in August 1, 2004 at the age of 74. Her online obituary noted, “A native of Budapest, Hungary, ZsuZsa studies at the Artist Academy were interrupted in 1956 by the Hungarian Revolution which she took an active part in before being forced to flee to Canada. She became known as one of the top still life artists and her work has been featured by Emile Valhuerdi Art Collection Corp., Ethan Allen Furniture Chains, Pearl Allan Galleries, Emporiums in the State of Washington, Canadian Artists of Toronto, Canada and Art E in Szentendre, Hungary.

“For the past 18 years she has been a teacher with the Dade County School System and is well known, sought after and very successful in her teaching profession.

Not bad for a gal who just happened to be singing and dancing on the stage at Ben Hart’s in Lorain back in 1965.

UPDATE (June 28, 2018)
Looks like one of Zsu Zsa's paintings could be on Ebay right now. It's down in Florida, which is where she lived.

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