Wednesday, June 20, 2018

New Traffic Lights at Elyria & 21st – June 1958

It was only a few months ago that I wrote about the intersection of West 21st Street and Elyria Avenue in Lorain, specifically about a few houses being torn down there in 1968 (here).

I also wrote about that same intersection back here, with a Then & Now showing a pre-underpass view looking east. Heck, I’ve even written a lot about the Gaylords and Giant Tiger store (just last week too), which was located right there as well.

Well, here’s yet another post about that same area. It’s a front page photo from the June 19, 1958 Lorain Journal showing Lorain city electricians installing brand new suspended traffic lights there.

The photo caption makes reference to the removal of the “center traffic light on the concrete base.” Yikes, I’ll bet that thing got clobbered once in a while.


  1. I remember that concrete base when I was a kid. I always wondered what it was for. Now I know...thanks! If I remember correctly, it was about 3 to 4 feet high and painted in bright yellow stripes. Do you know when it was removed?

  2. Hey Dan, Enjoying all the attention lately to June 1958 as I was born 6/16/58. Anything of note happen on that day? Enjoy reading everyday ....keep up the great work! Todd.

  3. Thanks for the comments!

    It sounds like the concrete base was supposed to be removed at the time of the article but there's no way of knowing how long it was up after that---sorry!

    And Happy Belated Birthday, Todd! I'll grab the front page of the 6/16/58 Journal off microfilm next time I'm at the library and see what was happening in town. I may have some more June 1958 stuff, I'll check.
