Monday, May 28, 2018

Kipton Civil War Soldier Monument Stands Tall

About a month ago, I received an email from Bill Stark of Cleveland. He was wondering if I had heard that the Civil War Soldier Monument out in Kipton had been fixed so that it no longer was leaning backwards.

(I had done a post about the leaning monument way back here in 2011.)

I thanked Bill for the heads-up, and did a little online research. As it turns out, it had been fixed back in 2017 in time for the Kipton, Camden, Henrietta Memorial Day and Program. 

Nevertheless, this provided me a good excuse to take a little drive out to Kipton for some new photos of the monument to post today on Memorial Day.

I’ve said it before: I sure wish Lorain still had its Civil War Soldier statue, which looked similar to this one.
Have a safe and solemn Memorial Day.


  1. I probably read it and forgot it, but what happened to the Lorain monument?

  2. Well, it’s a long story – but years of vandalism, repair work that did more harm than good, and exposure to the elements eventually did him in. He was removed from the park in 1967 and “lived” out his retirement at the 103rd OVI in Sheffield Lake before finally being scrapped.

  3. Lorian does have a striking monument to World War 1. I stopped to photograph it on my recent visit there.

  4. You’re right of course. Miss Victory at Fifth and West Erie is truly special; I’ve written about and photographed her many times,
