Monday, April 2, 2018

Back to the Baskets

It was a sunny, but chilly, Easter in Lorain; I don’t think the temperature ever got above 40º.

But that didn’t stop the families from making their annual pilgrimages down to the Easter Basket in Lakeview Park for photos. Although there was nobody down there when I drove by during mid-morning, the pace picked up a little bit as it neared noon. That’s when I took the shot above.

Here’s another view from later in the day.

But what about the other Easter Basket? Is it a tradition for South Lorainites to get their photo by the one in Oakwood Park?

Apparently not so much, despite the convenient parking spaces right in front of the basket. Here was the view at about quarter to one. It’s too bad, because it’s a nice basket, although a bit smaller than the more well-known one.

By the way, the Oakwood Park Easter Basket has the same plaque on it honoring its creator, David Shukait, as the basket in Lakeview Park.


  1. Nice piece, Dan. Many memories on that site. Keep up your fascinating work. Very much enjoy everyday. Tim

  2. I never knew Oakwood Park had an Easter basket, but its eggs don't look as realistic as Lakeview Park's eggs. Especially that Nyquil-colored red egg.

  3. Glad you enjoy the blog, Tim! And Lisa, that's a hilarious observation about the NyQuil egg!
