Monday, March 12, 2018

Hole-in-the-Wall Revisited

Sunday afternoon was sunny and pleasant, and a good day for a drive. So I grabbed my camera and headed out as I often do towards Vermilion on Route 6.

As I was coming up towards Baumhart Road, I watched (as usual) for the two white marker poles by the railroad tracks that indicate the location of Henry Claus’ cattle pass under Lake Road.

(Several years ago, historian and archivist Dennis Lamont provided me with a history of this historic “hole-in-the-wall” which I posted here as part of my two-part series on the Claus farm.)

On Sunday, I noticed that the underbrush that normally hides the former “hole-in-the-wall” was all cleared away, providing a rare glimpse of where Quarry Creek flows under the highway. Consequently, I couldn’t resist jumping out of my car and grabbing a few photos.

Continuing on towards Vermilion, I usually stop and drive around Vermilion-on-the-Lake. I like this area a lot, probably because it reminds me of Sheffield Lake.
The Vermilion the Lake Historic Community Center (below) is looking great these days. I wrote about it back here in 2013.
(While linking to the Historic Community Center’s website, I noticed that its photo gallery included a pretty nice photo of the building. To my surprise, it turned out to be a photo that I shot and posted on my blog back in 2013!)
Lastly, while getting ready to go south on State Route 60, I noticed a good place to go in case I ever have to find somewhere to “duck and cover.” Save a spot for me, Mayor!


  1. Thanks for all that do do Dan to keep us thinking about our own history. I used to swim at the beach that was called "Hole-in-the-Wall". We had a bosat at Beaver Park and would anchor there just to enjoy the beach. I didn't know the history. Thank you. You do an amzing job.

  2. Thanks, Tony! I appreciate it. And I know you and Heritage Avon Lake are doing a great job with preserving and celebrating history of your fine city!
