Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Elyria Landmark Falls – March 1964

Here’s something that might be interesting to longtime Elyria residents. It's a photo of the stately home of Elyria lawyer King E. Fauver on Washington Avenue, being demolished to make way for an apartment complex. Another home on Washington also came down around the same time for new apartments, radically changing the neighborhood forever.

The photo and accompanying caption appeared in the Lorain Journal on March 18, 1964.

The history of the house can be traced back to at least as early as the 1920s, when it was the home of Theodore T. Robinson, the Chairman of the Board of Elyria Savings and Trust. He and wife lived there right up until around the early 1940s, when King and Annie Fauver began living there. 
This page on the Fauver, Keyse-Walker & Donovan law firm's website provides a nice capsule history of the original Fauver law firm, with photos of family members including King Fauver.

Interestingly, there's also a fast food connection with the Fauver family. John King Fauver, son of Annie and King Earle Fauver, was president of the former White Tower restaurant chain.

Today the former King Fauver property is the home of Carriage House Apartments.

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