Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Corby's Whiskey Ad – Feb. 14, 1958

Whiskey ads ran in the Lorain Journal almost every day back in the 1950s, and consequently have been regular blog fodder for me.

I sure have done a lot of posts about whiskey, including Old Log Cabin, Schenley, and PM.

It's always interesting to see how the advertising plays up some aspect of their history or heritage to make the whiskey more desirable.

Above is an ad for Corby's that ran in the Lorain Journal on February 14, 1958 – 60 years ago today. In this case, Corby's Canadian heritage is revealed.

I really like the line art of the totem pole. The caption says, "This Indian totem pole stands in Vancouver, Canada."

The totem pole in the ad can be found on several vintage postcards.

It’s one of the totem poles shown on this postcard for Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Here's another vintage view.
To learn more about the totems, which are believed to be the most popular tourist attraction in British Columbia, click here.
UPDATE (2-14-18)
Apparently the totem featured in the Corby's ad is called the Chief Skedans Mortuary Pole. The original totem dates to 1870 and was eventually returned to its Haida village home. The one currently displayed at Brockton Point is a replica carved in 1964, with a new top face carved in 1998.

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