Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Big Snow – Jan. 16, 1968

The winter weather’s been in the news a lot lately, and that was the case back on January 16, 1968 as well. As the Journal reported that day, up to 13 inches of snow had fallen in Lorain – closing schools and bringing traffic on local highways to a crawl.

Relive those happy times with a glimpse of a portion of the Journal’s front page that day, shown below.

If you look closely at those billboards in the photo, you can see that the one at the top of the hill is for Howard Johnson's.

There's also a sign for Rudy Moc's photography studio. (His distinctive logo was the dead giveaway.)
I'm pretty sure that the sign to the right of it is for McDonald's. You can see the similarity to the image on this vintage postcard.

1 comment:

  1. I was twelve at the time, and I was SO glad I didn't have to walk from 19th and Washington to Hawthorne.
