Thursday, January 4, 2018

Self Cleaning Oven Ad – Jan. 2, 1968

It also wouldn’t be the Brady Blog without an occasional appearance by our old pal Reddy Kilowatt. Here he is in an ad promoting the self-cleaning oven that ran in the Lorain Journal on January 2, 1968.

It’s kind of an strange ad, with the housewife making her wish on a wishbone – by herself. (How did that custom get started, anyway? Click here to find out.)

According to some online sources, the self-cleaning oven had only been invented in 1963, so perhaps it was still a concept worth promoting in 1968.

All I know is that it’s a stinky process that takes a while to do. However, right now all I have is a gas oven without the self-cleaning feature. So I’d better use a little more foil under my chicken pot pie.

1 comment:

  1. We had one once, and it was a pain in the tuchus; my mother hated it!
