Friday, November 3, 2017

Autumn Foliage Circa 1961

It’s been a somewhat disappointing fall when it comes to colorful foliage around Lorain County, although it has improved somewhat of late. Unfortunately, the unusually warm weather has conspired to delay or dilute the usual showcase of color.

Despite heading out every Sunday with my camera to capture some colorful vistas, I’ve found that very few of my shots are blog-worthy. I’ll keep trying.

But in the meantime, we can still enjoy some autumn color here on the blog – from the the pages of my dogeared copy of the September 1961 edition of Ideals magazine.

Each Ideals magazine contained a variety of seasonal poems, stories, articles, illustrations and short items designed to trigger feelings of nostalgia and simpler times. The September 1961 issue featured the thought-provoking page below.
To visit a whole Pinterest page devoted to Ideals magazine, click here.

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