Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Skyline Park Ad – June 1965

Here’s one final new home development ad for now. It’s for Skyline Park, located west of Leavitt Road and south of Skyline Drive.

The ad ran in the Journal on June 5, 1965. Apparently it's from the second phase of Skyline Park (note the “No. 2” after its name). I posted earlier Skyline Park ads from 1963 and 1964 here.

What’s interesting about the ad is the map showing the route to Skyline Park. Leavitt Road was being widened at that time (which I wrote about here), necessitating the circuitous route shown. Hey, this map has north at the bottom too!

As our house on East Skyline Drive was under construction at the time of this 1965 ad, I’m sure we had to take the same winding route from Oberlin Avenue to check its progress. We moved in during December 1965, just about the same time Leavitt Road was completed.

If I remember correctly, although East Skyline Drive did go through to Leavitt, it was unpaved beyond our house.

We called the whole grassy swampland between us and Temple Avenue "the field." It became such a popular area for people to dump their trash that the city had to erect a "No Dumping" sign.

It was on that same land that a plane crashed in 1971 (which I wrote about here).

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