Friday, July 14, 2017

Oberlin Estates Ad – July 20, 1957

To close out the week, here's yet another vintage ad that's part of my apparent effort to document as many Lorain housing developments of the 1950s and 60s as possible. This one is for Oberlin Estates, which was located east of Oberlin Avenue at W. 37th Street.

The ad ran on Saturday, July 20, 1957 in the Lorain Journal. So did this full-page ad below.

As you can see, Kucirek Construction was behind the development. I’ve written about Emil and Emily Kucirek a few times on this blog, including this 2010 post about the Oberlin Avenue farmhouse they rehab’d, as well as this extensive 1969 interview with them.
As for the ‘Capri’ model home featured prominently in the ads, it’s still there on W. 37th – and looking great.
And with that, I’m on vacation! The last time I took a week off from my job in Cleveland was in 2014 – so I’m long overdue for a break. And although I usually take time off from the blog during Christmas week, my last summer vacation here was that same week in August 2014!
So please stop back in a week or so when I’ll return to my regularly scheduled blog programming. Have a great summer until then!


  1. Have a great vacation! You deserve it! Rae

  2. I had a small lawn cutting business(5 homes) for extra cash in my teenage years. Someone told me about an older lady who needed help maintaining her yard, so I went to that house on 37th St. Turns out it was Mrs. Zajkowski, my kindergarten teacher at Nativity. I kept her yard immaculate, unlike your current picture.
