Friday, June 2, 2017

Follow-up Friday: St. Mary's

Since my Then & Now post about St. Mary's Catholic Church, I've accumulated a few odds and ends about its history.

Although the Lorain Public Library's microfilm collection did not include any newspapers from the time of the horrible tragedy that occurred during the laying of the church cornerstone, Rick Kurish came through as usual.

Rick wrote, "You are right about a newspaper "gap" in the local papers for 1895. However, a detailed account of the accident, including the naming of all persons injured, as well as the type of injury suffered, was reported in the Wellington Enterprise of Wednesday October 9, 1895.

"I have attached the article. It's an interesting read."

Here's the article from the Enterprise detailing the tragic event.

Rick also came up with a vintage postcard of the church (below).

"I just happened to remember that I had a postcard of what the church looked like before it was destroyed in the tornado of 1924," he wrote.  "The postcard is date stamped April 1910."

On a happier note not involving death and destruction, here's an article I found describing the early history of the church when it was just a "little white church in the woods." The article ran in the Lorain Journal on August 12, 1938 on the 60th anniversary of the church's founding.

I didn’t realize it, but I had posted a May 1917 article about St. Mary’s very first church building back here in 2014. The story (below) ran in the Lorain Daily News on May 5 and told how that original building had been moved a few times and finally was about to be demolished.


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