Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Colonel Henry Brown’s House – Part 7

I’m sure you’re just as surprised as me to see yet another post in this series about Colonel Henry Brown’s house that I concluded yesterday. (Think of it as a curtain call.)

I forgot that I had a funny news story in my files about the house from one of the later years that the Emmerich family owned it. The short article is from the Lorain Journal of July 2, 1956, and provides a good example of the pitfalls of living in a highly visible house on a major highway.

Emmerichs Find ‘Guest’ In House

Mrs. Harvey Emmerich, Stop 119, East Lake Rd., doesn’t mind an overnight guest now and then, but she does like to know about it.

Shortly after arising early Saturday morning, Mrs. Emmerich discovered a well-dressed man comfortably ensconced on her couch and sound asleep.

A FURTHER CHECK disclosed his late-model car parked neatly in the drive. A daughter later told Mrs. Emmerich that she had noticed the car there when she drove past the house about midnight.

Mrs. Emmerich called her husband in from the barn, notified an upstairs tenant and the three roused the stranger and demanded to know what he was doing there.

STARING ABOUT him in confusion, he mumbled that he “must have got in the wrong place.”

“Did I hurt anyone?” he asked. Thereupon he asked the directions to Sandusky and left.

Recovering from their amazement, the Emmerichs alerted the State Highway Patrol and Sheriff’s office, but efforts to locate the man were unavailing.

Describing her unexpected guest as tall, grey-haired, about 55 and nicely dressed, Mrs. Emmerich nevertheless declared, “I sure am going to keep my doors locked after this."

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