Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Kew Gardens – Part 2

In late 1947, additional trailers were still being added to Kew Gardens. The December 2, 1947 edition of the Chronicle-Telegram included the news that a contract was awarded "to set up 11 more trailers in the Kew Gardens veterans housing project in Lorain at a cost of $30 each. The trailers were recently acquired from the U. S. Government. They were located in Michigan.”

Apparently Lorain was interested in taking control of Kew Gardens early in the game, according to this article which ran in the Lorain Journal on November 15, 1949.

Delay Action on Acquiring Kew Gardens

Action by the city in acquiring control of Kew Garden homes – not trailers – was postponed indefinitely by committee of the whole last night when Service Director Wallace Chapla announced that the deadline has been set back one year.

“A Public Housing Authority directive has extended the limit from Dec 22 this year to Dec. 22, 1950.” Chapla said. “I think council should decide whether the city should acquire the homes.”

Pincura Cites Ruling
In order to own the homes, the city would have to own the ground or lease it, according to Solicitor John Pincura. He told newsmen the city already meets federal requirements, since the Kew Garden area is now leased by the city.

Pincura said the city did not contemplate operation of the veterans’ housing development, but probably would sub-lease the land to the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority.

It’s interesting to see how Kew Gardens was laid out. Dennis Thompson made me aware that the veterans’ housing project was clearly visible in photographs found on the Historic Aerials website.
Here’s a 1952 view, with all of the quonset huts laid out neatly like a military base. I’ve labeled the main roads so you can get your bearing as to where it was located.
Next: On the Block

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