Monday, February 20, 2017

Weekend Wanderings

I took advantage of the nice weather over the weekend to drive over and see how the demolition of the former Charleston Elementary School was coming along. It had started earlier in the week.

It was strange to see it reduced to a pile of tangled metal, crushed cinder blocks and broken bricks.

Speaking of bricks, Lorain had announced that some would be made available to souvenir collectors. I saw a half-dozen of them lying in the mud near one of the construction entrances.

I grabbed one for old times' sake.

One little rascal had made his way over to Pole Avenue before he was abandoned in the grass. I rescued him too (below).

Speaking of demolitions, I also made a trip down to Hot Waters. The usual suspects were hanging around (below).

Although there wasn’t much action down there, it's still a good vantage point from which to see the Lighthouse.
I also watched some activity around the bait shop during the day – things being cleaned out, etc. I think it’s going to be demolished quickly, to put the issue to rest as soon as possible.


  1. I can still remember everyone walking around the school dressed in our Ben Coopers for Halloween.I'm willing to bet this building meant something to a lot of people in Lorain. More Lorain history trashed!

  2. Not a single one of my sister's original schools is left standing, and mine will all soon be gone as well: Palm Ave. elementary; Whittier Jr. High; Admiral King (mine, Southview High). I don't have the sentimental attachment to buildings that many people do, and these are not of "historic" significance, per se, but it certainly is jarring. I taught briefly at Lorain High in the early 80s, and...well, that's gone, too. But times change, needs change, and the kids of the new millennium need better buildings.
