Friday, February 10, 2017

Old Vermilion Railroad Article – Feb. 13, 1952

The Lorain Journal of the 1950s were full of interesting little historical tidbits. These short articles are important in that some of the information contained in them is not readily available today – so I enjoy transcribing and posting them.

Here’s one of those articles, that appeared in the Lorain Journal on February 13, 1952. It’s a “what might have been” look at the Vermilion and Ashland Railroad.

Blame Reckless Management
Only Scars Remain Of
Old Vermilion Railroad

VERMILION – Only the scars of the Vermilion and Ashland Railroad remain here but the tracks can be traced through the woods today.

Few people here remember the railroad, and no wonder, since it was hardly ever used.

On March 5, 1842 the railroad was granted $44,000 by the Ohio State Legislature and the firm started laying long lengths of track here.

It is said that had the large sums of money received and wasted along the whole line been put to use in completing and putting the cars in motion over a part it would have resulted in success.

Idle Ever Since
As it was, through the reckless management of the firm, it ended in a total loss to the state and to all involved. The tracks have been idle ever since.

About 10 years later, in the years 1851 and ’52, the Lake Shore and Michigan Railway Company put its lines through Vermilion and the first train to travel over the route came through Vermilion in the summer of 1853.

The firm named an engine “Vermilion” in 1872. The railroad was a combination of a number of companies that have since been incorporated into the New York Central System.

One of the first locomotives, called “The Jenny Line,” to be run over the tracks, was brought here across Lake Erie from Buffalo and was drawn from the harbor to the tracks by six teams of oxen.


  1. Dan, copy and paste this link. I don't know what I would do without you and Rich Tarrant. ...[ Pull down about 3/4 of the way.] .. Bill N

  2. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for the link to Rich Tarrant’s site; I was wondering if he had ever mentioned this topic and you’ve answered my question--thanks!
