Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Here’s wishing you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

I’ll be resuming my regular schedule tomorrow as I begin my ninth calendar year of doing this. Gee, time sure flies when you’re having fun.

What’s not so fun, however, is I discovered a few days ago that one of my storage drives went bad. I lost a lot of files, including what I had planned to post here for most of January. In fact, just about all of the material that was being prepped for the first part of 2017 was corrupted.

Better it than me, I guess.

Needless to say, I’m going to be scrambling to generate some Grade A, farm-fresh content (why am I suddenly very hungry?)

Anyway, here’s hoping all of my readers have a great 2017.

I almost forgot: I’d like to wish my older brother Ken – Lorain’s First Baby of 1958 – a Happy 59th Birthday!

And on a sad note, I’d like to extend my deep condolences to my regular contributor Rick Kurish and the Kurish family over the very tragic loss of Elizabeth Kurish.


  1. I really look forward to this blog. It's the first thing I check in the a.m. Happy New Year!

  2. Glad you like it, Lisa! Happy New Year to you, too!

  3. Happy New Year! Nice article about you in the Plain Dealer last month.
