Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The (School) Bell to Toll Soon for Former Charleston Elementary

Charleston Elementary School – the first elementary school I attended in Lorain – has been a favorite topic on this blog since its beginning.

Although I only went to kindergarten and half of first grade there before my family moved in 1965, the school occupies a special place in my memory, as well as my heart.
Why?  Because Charleston has become a symbol to me of my early youth – and of simpler, more innocent times. My memories of my teachers, my classmates, my walk to school and the building itself are still vivid after more than 50 years. For me, it’s also a connection to a Lorain that hadn’t yet begun its downward spiral.

Way back in 2010 on this blog, I did a four-part series on Charleston Elementary that included my teachers and a photographic re-creation of the route I took to school.

During the Big Admiral King Painting Caper in 2011, Charleston Administration Center employee Lisa Miller of Lorain 365 invited me to pay a visit my former school. That memorable visit resulted in one of my favorite posts.

Which brings me to a few days ago, when I noticed that Lisa had left a new comment on my original Charleston post. She wrote, "As of December 2, 2016, the Charleston Building is officially closed and will be demolished.

"The Administrative Offices have been moved across the street to 2601 Pole Avenue, a small building outside the Performing Arts building on the SW corner of the new Lorain High School.”

I was grateful to get the heads-up (thanks, Lisa!) but disappointed – maybe even more than when Admiral King High School and Masson School were demolished.

But that’s the way it is. In Lorain, when an old school building’s gotta go, it’s gotta go.

In case you missed it (like me), here's the link to the story in the Morning Journal.


  1. Your posting today got me thinking of the schools that I attended during my 12 years in the Amherst Public School System. Un like you, the three different schools that I attended are all still standing, with two still in use as school buildings. The third, the old Central School, where I started first grade in 1951, currently stands empty on the grounds of of Sprenger Central Village Independent Living complex near downtown Amherst. However, late last summer Sprenger received funding to convert the designated historic building into twenty assisted living apartments.

    At the time I started school in 1951 the Central School housed all 12 grades! Imagine -- some day children who started school in that building as 5 year olds may spend their retirement years in the same building. Talk about coming full circle -- Yikes!
