Tuesday, November 8, 2016

National Tube Foreman – 35 Years Without Being Absent or Late

From the front page of the Lorain Journal of November 10, 1954 – 62 years ago this week – comes a nice little article about one man’s incredible work record. It’s the story of Joe Endrai, a foreman at National Tube who never missed work or was late during his 35-year career at the plant.

Lorain Man’s Record
35 Years On His Job,
Never Absent Or Tardy

Thirty-five years without being absent or even late for work!

That’s the record of Joe Endrai, who will be tendered a farewell dinner tonight in observance of his approaching retirement, Nov. 30, from his duties as foreman of Bessemer power houses and the open hearth boiler house in the fuels and power department of National Tube Co.

His remarkable record becomes positively amazing when you learn it was achieved while Joe was working all three shifts at the plant – first one, then a second and then the third in cycles.

Plenty of Steak
How did he do it?

“You just have to make up your mind to it,” he says. “Eat plenty of good steak, get at least seven hours or eight hours sleep and some daily outdoor exercise, and not too much drinking and smoking.”

He says he loves all sports and gets his outdoor exercise in his own garden. He’s just over average size; he stands about five feet and 10 inches and weighs in at 175.

Joseph Endrai was born in Kormoneo, Gyor, Austria-Hungary, Nov. 12, 1889, the third of four children, two of whom preceded him to this country. He will be 65 Friday.

He came to the United States in 1906 and went to work in the Amherst stone quarries. He was later employed at the Avon power station and in the Lorain shipyards, after one year at National Tube in 1914.

He returned to National Tube May 24, 1920, and has been there ever since, without missing that first day.

Joe became foreman of the skelp mill boiler house in 1921, and was appointed day foreman in 1944. He was named to his present position in 1951.

Likes to Travel
He was married in 1911 to the former Magdalene Bognar. They live at 2916 Andrews Pl.

Joe and his three sons, Frank, Elmer and George, have a combined service of 75 years in the fuels and power department. He and Mrs. Endrai also have five grandchildren.

Joe’s favorite hobby is traveling. He plans to do more of it in the days of his retirement, hitting new spots and revisiting the more familiar ones.

Farewell Dinner
About 35 active and retired department foremen are expected to attend Joe’s farewell dinner at Ann’s Restaurant.

D. K. Matheson will deliver the address and tribute, and M. E. Wilcox will serve at toastmaster. Others to participate: J. N. Evans, “A Word from the Boss”; G. J. Crehore. Jr., farewell from associates; P. H. Austin, welcome into retirement ranks, and W. O. Gruey, presentation of a farewell gift of matched luggage.

Joe Endrai enjoyed a nice, long, well-deserved retirement, passing away in October 1975.

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